"Ambition, Versatility, and Personality."

IMVU Usernames: Aisiz, Potra, Vousi, LAgence | Born in USA, 1986 | Current member of the IMVU Community since July of 2011
Height: 5'9 or 175 cm | Weight: 123 pounds | Eye Color: Green-Grayish | Hair Color: Dirty Blonde | Waist: 24" Nationality: Latina (Mexican American)
Hello my beautiful darlings. Welcome to my portfolio. My name is Isis Gore, and I'm a 36 year old woman, who lives in Texas, USA.
I'm currently working from home, and I'm a happy-go-lucky kind of girl. Feel free to take a look around and see what I'm all about.
Behind the lens I'm a perfectionist and a believer of what I create. It has not been long since I pursued this dream of modeling on IMVU.
I know that I must fight hard in this savage new world. Give me a chance and you will receive positive outcomes.
I am a born and bred country girl who loves the city. I adore messing around with clothing styles and creating new hot looks for my avatar.
I have been told I live up to my avatar name which didn't take long for me to get used to since I've been called this way before I even joined IMVU.
I was crowned Miss IMVU USA 2018 and own a group on Facebook called, "IMVU Café." We are a Spanish group that consist of
things like editing layouts, badges, digital art, but mostly it's a group for COFFEE LOVERS. I also do freelance work for several developers.
I had a crazy idea on starting a Bridal Book showcasing some of the best creators on IMVU and their wedding dresses. It's still a work in
progress, but I believe I will get around to it sooner rather than later. I know it may seem like a lot but believe me, I don't take on what I
can't handle so feel free to contact me if you are interested in my work, creations or have any other questions or concerns.
On another note, I am professional, mature and hard working. I tend to go above and beyond what my work requires of me. I feel that I can be an asset to any company as I have great customer service and can get along well with people of all types. I am not one to cause drama though I am the kind that will often speak her mind. A quote I live by is, "Stand for what you believe is right even if you stand alone."
I am very ambitious and I always give 110%. I am extremely positive and I am ALWAYS on time with deadlines and appointments.
I never flake and I expect the same from whoever I work with. I am an extroverted introvert to the core. I have been told that I am a very
difficult person to "read", but once you get to know me I am a very humorous and loving person. I am not talkative, but I'm a great listener.
I love most things when it comes to freely expressing yourself. My passion for music runs through my veins and keeps me looking up. I love art in all forms, especially the body. I believe baring your soul through modeling and photography is a beautiful thing which is why I enjoy doing it.
I'm selfish, egocentric, arrogant, I'm on a high horse I refuse to come off using it to trample people who want to pull me off,
and I acknowledge that. I think that makes me a pretty fun person to be around with, I don't mind making light fun of my
personality. Sounds awful, but I know when people don't like it and I will tone it down. Professionalism.
I am a Latina of Mexican-American Heritage and therefore am fluent in both English and Spanish. I expect proper English, or manners. Lack one, okay I can deal, but lack two, don't expect me to take you serious. I take whatever I do serious, I want to be taken serious as well. I like to think I'm intelligent but feel free to tell me when I'm wrong though since I can well handle criticism in order to grow above and beyond in this industry.
As I am living in Texas, USA my time zone is Central Time (GMT-5).
If you want to make an appointment at a set time, do tell me what time zone you're in please.
Well to sum everything up and answer the million dollar question... Why me?
Even though I have a fair amount of experience I'm a hard-working person, dedicated and committed. I give my best in everything I do because I'm my toughest critic, in competition I try my best to come out on top. I learn from mistakes and try to do better the next time around.
Modeling History
Creators I'm currently doing Freelance work for:
Note: Click the button to be redirected to their catalog on a seperate page.
Agency or Magazine I'm currently working for:
Note: Click the image to be redirected on a seperate page to the agency.

Owned by oOEmpressAnastasiaOo.

Owned by KimsDolly

Owned by Ourania and Neoxie
Agencies and Magazines I've worked for in the past:

Owned by JacarandaTree. Status: CLOSED

Owned by Cololt. Status: CLOSED

Owned by CarolSorelle. Status: Agency is inactive.

Owned by superluli. Status: CLOSED

Owned by Hikari. Status: CLOSED

Owned by SweetLatinBella. Status: CLOSED

Owned by TaurasBabyLove. Status: Retired from the agency.

Owned by xRozePetalzx

Owned by LiliamBlack. Status: Retired from the agency.

Owned by MRSSCOOBYUK. Status: Retired from the magazine.

Owned by wElifw. Status: CLOSED

Owned by DivaVonMiller. Status: Retired from the agency.