"Ambition, Versatility, and Personality."

People I Support and Admire
Here you can find creators from the best in formal wear, avatars, poses, urban style, dark pvc, and make up. There are a lot of great developers out in the market but these are my favorite ones and most of my inventory is filled with products by these amazing people.
All banners are clickable and will redirect you straight to de creators complete catalog in IMVU. Some creators have alternate accounts.


I've worked with a lot of models throughout my modeling career but in my personal opinion, these are the ones I would highly recommend. In my experience they are the best at what they do and are very reliable. Like me, they don't believe in drama and know that instead of knocking each other out, we build each other up. I have nothing bad to say about these ladies here. They are TOP Notch in my book. ♥
Go ahead and click on their banner to view their complete IMVU name or to be redirected on a seperate page to their facebook pages.
Websites and Radio Stations
Here are some coding and promoting websites. They have the most updated information regarding IMVU and some
radio stations I usually tune in to depending on my mood. One of them plays both English and Spanish music since it's a Latin
station. Go ahead and click on the image to be redirected on a different page to the station of your choice. Have fun and Enjoy!!