Halloween Night of Fashion Fright (video)
Royalty Diamond Inc features designs in 4 Categories: Horror/Sci-Fi, Creepy Toys, Urban Legends and Monstrous Creations.
Developers featured: xXGlamourousBeautyXx, oOEmpressAnastasiaOo, TeenyWeenyNana, AeoniumRed, electrikCat, StormeyLove, Leilo and OooYUMooO.
Models in order of appearance: XxBellaBooAxX, XxFree2BmexX, IsisGore, xxSpanksxx, BRATTYXGIRL, Gravano, micwilliamsxx, StormeyLove and xDessiex.
All video credits go to DJTech@IMVU and music credits go to SSexySookie@IMVU.